Impact of Artificial Intelligence in everyday life and understanding AI with examples
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  • Kailash M

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in everyday life and understanding AI with examples

Updated: Feb 3

White Robot looking up

AI has rapidly become a global talking point, bringing both benefits and job losses. Whether you embrace it or not, AI is now an integral part of daily life, influencing everything from virtual assistants to online experiences. While it offers efficiency and innovation, there's a downside—automation is replacing certain jobs, raising concerns about employment. As AI continues to reshape our world, staying informed and adapting to changes becomes crucial. We're no longer passive observers; our choices today will influence how AI shapes our future. So, lets understand the impact of Artificial Intelligence in everyday life with few examples.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to mimic human-like actions. These machines, equipped with algorithms and learning capabilities, can analyze data, recognize patterns, and make decisions, ultimately performing tasks that traditionally required human intelligence.

New AI Tools

Recent advancements in AI have given rise to powerful tools and technologies. Machine learning, a subset of AI, allows systems to learn from data and improve their performance over time. For instance, Google's DeepMind employs machine learning to master complex games, showcasing the system's ability to learn and adapt. Natural language processing enables machines to understand and interpret human language, powering virtual assistants like Amazon's Alexa or Apple's Siri.

So what could be the future?

Humans have both a body and a brain that guides its functions. Currently, there are startups dedicated to creating robots designed to assist humans in tasks, ranging from simple to complex. The latest advancements in AI hold the potential to equip these robots with the cognitive capabilities needed to comprehend human interactions and better fulfill their intended purposes.

AI Across Various Industries
  • In healthcare, IBM's Watson Health utilizes AI to analyze medical literature and patient records, aiding in diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

  • In finance, AI-driven algorithms analyze market trends, enabling more informed investment decisions.

  • Additionally, AI-driven chatbots streamline customer service in sectors such as e-commerce, enhancing user experiences.

Job Opportunities

The growing influence of AI is translating into diverse job opportunities. For example, machine learning engineers are responsible for developing algorithms and models, while data scientists leverage AI to extract meaningful insights from vast datasets. AI researchers explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of the technology. Ethicists specializing in AI ensure the responsible and fair development and deployment of these technologies.

Look out for these career options if you are one of the AI enthusiasts.

  • AI research scientist

  • Big data engineer

  • Computer vision engineer

  • Data scientist

  • Natural language processing engineer

  • Robotics engineer

  • Machine learning engineer

  • Business intelligence developer

  • Software engineer

What Can Go Wrong

AI brings remarkable advantages, but it also has potential drawbacks. One significant concern is the presence of bias in algorithms. For example, if an AI model is trained on biased data, it may continue existing unfairness. A well-known case is facial recognition software showing racial bias in identifying people. There are also ethical worries about job displacement as automation takes over certain roles. AI tools like Deepfakes manipulate faces and voices. These videos circulating on social media pose risks, causing financial, political, and reputational harm by spreading false information.

The cases of concern:

  • A recent deepfake robocall of US President Biden raised concerns among voters. Deepfake videos featuring celebrities in suggestive situations are also causing worry.

  • Summit Shah, the head of an Indian startup- Dukaan, fired 90% of the support team once the company created a chatbot with artificial intelligence. According to him, the chatbot can respond to customer questions much faster than the human staff.

In summary

Artificial Intelligence is not just a futuristic concept but a tangible force shaping our present reality. From healthcare to finance and beyond, AI is revolutionizing industries and creating new opportunities. However, understanding and addressing the ethical implications is vital to ensuring that AI benefits society as a whole. As we navigate this transformative era, responsible development and utilization of AI will pave the way for a future where technology serves humanity in the best possible manner.

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